Prepare to blast-o with the groundbreaking Aeronaut series, a creation born from the visionary mind of the side-hit maestro and Rocket Man extraordinaire, Arthur Longo.
This directional, cambered masterpiece is your ticket to conquering all-mountain challenges with blazing speed and jaw-dropping airtime. Redefine the limits of your local resort’s terrain as you soar into the realm of Side Hit Euphoria™, courtesy of the Aeronaut by Arthur Longo.
Designed to charge the resort and sidecountry hits like Arthur, this series combines a lightweight and extremely durable Panda Hover Core™ with CarbonFlax™ Amplifiers for tons of pop. The high-speed performance of the Aeronaut has been upgraded for 2024 with an all-new, tougher, HyperDrive™ ADV XT base.
CAMBER TYPE: ALPINE V3: The ALPINE V3 profile has a deeper traditional camber that zeros out before the end of the sidecut. The small zero camber sections provide a more controlled ride while retaining the response and power of a throwback cambered board.
PANDA HOVER CORE™: Ultra lightweight core enhanced with Bamboo Power Rods™ for maximum power and response.
CARBONFLAX™ AMPLIFIERCARBONFLAX™: is a next-generation natural flax fiber woven with carbon strands that is featured in our high-end snowboard constructions. This fusion tape brings the best of two worlds: the reactive energy of carbon and the lightweight and dampening aspects of flax. The two fibers are highly compatible since they have similar properties regarding thermal expansion and failure strain, creating a uniformly flexing reinforcement that's light, snappy and durable all in one.
HOLYSHEET™ TRI/BI FIBERGLASS + MAGIC BEAN™ RESIN: Triax/Triax HOLYSHEET™ has higher glass to weight ratio than normal fiberglass.Impregnated with high performance plant based MAGIC BEAN™ RESIN for the most powerful and dynamic ride.
NEW! HYPERDRIVE ADV XT BASE: Custom formulated and exclusive to The MotherShip, our engineers have worked tirelessly with the world's leading polyethylene running base supplier to create HYPERDRIVE™. With exceptional anti-friction properties due to high molecular mass and specialized processing aids, this sintered material has a proprietary composition and is beyond fast. Our loyal fans charge hard, and we have integrated the fastest, meanest base available. We have increased the thickness of our XT bases for enhanced durability.
- Multitech™ Level 4 DeepSpace™ PAM160000™ w/ Pearlescent Underlay
- Die-Cut Base
- 360 Degree HRC48 Steel Edges
- Full ABS1000 Sidewalls
Stainless Steel 4 x 2 Inserts
4931 Park Street Oakland California USA